Meet Our Intern: Taylor Brennan

To complete her degree in Sociology with a focus on Criminal Justice from Texas Lutheran University, Taylor Brennan is completing a 235-hour internship with CASA of Central Texas.
Taylor says, “I chose CASA for my internship because as a sociology major, one focus is on how everyone’s unique and individual experiences are what make them who they are. I had heard of CASA, and I liked that the goal is reunification of families, that it is volunteer-based, and nonprofit. Based on what I have learned about myself, my community and those around me, I thought CASA would be a great fit. It aligns well with my degree and who I am as a person!”
So far as an intern, Taylor has gone through volunteer training & is working a case, has observed court hearings, service plan meetings & other case-related meetings, helped at the annual April fundraiser, participated in community outreach, attended a continuing education class on drug awareness and a webinar on building community partnerships as a nonprofit, and helped in the office with document organization.
A few things have surprised Taylor along the way, “I did not know how many people are actually involved in a case: CPS, the child’s attorney, parents & family, parents’ attorneys, the placement, schools, therapists, the judge, and of course most importantly, the child! I was also surprised at how long cases can last and what a huge portion of one’s childhood it can take up.”
Taylor believes that her intern experience with CASA is helping her on her future career path, “It has shown me how social work and the courts operate, how to work together as a team, how each child’s circumstances shape who they are. You are seeing that firsthand at CASA. It’s not just in a textbook anymore, it’s real people. It’s very eye-opening.”
Taylor is a Senior and will be graduating this August. As far as future plans, she says, “First off, I look forward to continuing to work my CASA case after I graduate. I have very much enjoyed my internship experience at CASA so far, and would love to see if there is a spot for me on the team here when the time comes—it’s been great working with the staff and I have already learned a lot. Another option I am considering is furthering my education with a Master’s degree, or applying for a job at my University.”