Volunteer Handbook 2024

Summary of Updates (from 2021 version)

  1. Welcome: Added Equal Opportunity Statement
  2. Section 1: Removed background and volunteer arrest – replaced with Screening Policy since that policy includes both. 
  3. Section 1: Pre-Service Training Policy and Agreement includes TAC language 8C3, 8C8, 8C10 
  4. Section 2: Changed subtitle to “Advocate Guidelines and Policies” 
  5. Section 2: Includes TAC language (21 years+, DFPS cases, sworn in by judge) 
  6. Section 2: Advocate Job Description includes advocacy, guiding principles, time commitment, National CASA Core Model (learn, engage, recommend, collaborate, report) 
  7. Section 2: Role and Responsibilities includes all the changes as required by Texas CASA 
  8. Section 2: Conduct with Children – consolidated several sections into this one (physical interactions, verbal interactions, social media interactions, taking photos, additional guidelines on one-on-one interactions, prohibitions)
  9. Section 2: Case Assignment/Acceptance Procedure – includes standards within 8E (assignments consistent with guiding principles, statutory authority, NCASA core model, program capacity, earliest possible stage of the court proceedings) 
  10. Section 2: Continuing Education – includes background and needs of children; the operation of the court and child welfare system; nature and effects of child abuse; annual cultural diversity training 
  11. Section 2: Case Closure – includes standard 10B3 (returning case-related documentation within 10 days of case closure or dismissal) 
  12. Section 3: Confidentiality (moved confidentiality policy and volunteer agreement from the end of the document to be within this section) 
  13. Section 7: Removed redundancies in Transportation Policy and included volunteer travel policy under mileage reimbursement